Anodic coloring of AM titanium parts (TiColor)

The client specializes in machining chemical nickel and anodizing mechanical parts and it is a technologically advanced player on the field. The range of treatments and the ability to achieve results in short timescales are two of its greatest strengths.

In-house sandblasting departments and curing ovens complete the surface treatment department. Increasing demand for anodization of additive manufactured parts, specifically in titanium, can be a valuable market for the client.

The objective of the TiColor project was to test electrochemical coloring of titanium on parts produced by additive manufacturing. Surface and aesthetic appearance properties of the applied surface treatment were evaluated in comparison to the standard ones.

• OITB provided services:

BB1/ MWAM (AIMEN), BB3/ Testing (PoliMi), Innovation Management (AXIA).